Addiction Recovery

The Basis for All Addiction

We have become so accustomed to living in a state of stress that often we are unaware of it until we experience pain, disease or addiction.

Often addiction can arise from the pain of stress and the deep desire to simply relax, in addition to the desire to not feel pain, and yet to feel happy and at peace. The key word here is feel. Many adults are locked into a closed state of being in their minds and not feeling. Drugs and alcohol can give a sense of opening and feeling, and yet ultimately cause a cycle of further closure, pain and disease.

We all share the following:

  • Unconscious programs of resistance to avoid pain and feelings of fear, anger and grief, which actually create it.
  • The desire to experience the state of fundamental physical, mental and emotional balance, or homeostasis, which is the foundation of health and well being, and from which all feelings of joy, love and peace that we all desire arise.

Those who are considered addicts, not unlike the rest of us, have this cycle happening in the desire to repress pain and to experience well being, as a result of their unconscious response to unconscious programming.

The cycle of the use of drugs, alcohol, food, sex, pornography, etc, and even negative thinking, is the result of the desire to repress pain, fear, anger and grief and to experience the state of homeostasis, health and well being and joy. The use of drugs, alcohol, food, sex, pornography etc., create greater and greater physical, mental, and emotional imbalances, and so the cycle continues until there are physical, mental and emotional breakdowns. These breakdowns create opportunities for change.


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